Amberscript's Market Leadership Quest
Transform your audio and video to text and subtitles.

Business Challenge: Become the market leader in DACH, BENELUX, and Italy
SEO MASTER: Danica Nada Denila
Amberscript Website Link
Strategic Regional Focus
A Netherlands-based audio transcription startup, Amberscript's objective was to become the market leader in DACH, BENELUX, and Italy as the first step of its global growth.
At the beginning of 2022, the company was struggling to gain visibility in these markets despite having a strong product offering. Their search engine rankings for relevant keywords were low, leading to low organic search traffic and resulting in lost opportunities for growth.


Visibility Struggle
Amberscript faced low visibility in DACH, BENELUX, and Italy.


SEO Revamp
I Led a region-specific SEO strategy for growth.


Surpassing Goals
Goals exceeded in just 6 months, with 140% user growth in DACH.
Solution: Region-focused SEO and PPC strategy
Matching focus region goals with the global referral traffic distribution Using the Backlink Analytics tool, the I took a close look at their backlink profile and realized that the majority of their referrals were coming from countries outside of their focus regions, such as Singapore, Africa, and the US. This gave Google’s algorithm the wrong target region signals.
To shift the focus to their targeted European countries, I analyzed their competitors in these regions using the Domain Overview tool. I found that competitors had at least 65% of their referrals from their focus countries:
While Amberscript had only 17% of their backlink profile from the desired regions.
SEO and PPC Synergy
Backlink Analysis
Amberscript refined backlinks to target European markets.
Competitor Insight
Competitor referral strategies were analyzed and adapted.
Content Localization
Localized content led to a 300% increase in signups.
To fix this, I disavowed over 1,000 referring domains from Singapore and eliminated some backlinks from the US and other countries that didn't focus on their services. I got backlink insights in the Backlink Audit tool, which showed the list of links with essential metrics such as:
Geo distribution Authority score & Domain category
Demographic Tailoring
Germany's Academic Focus
Content tailored for academics and students in Germany.
Italy's Legal Needs
Legal documentation and services prioritized for Italy.
Marketing Channel Integration
Guidelines Creation
Guidelines for third-party tools were provided for customer pain points.
Localized Content
Content was adapted to meet the preferences of each market.
Value-Added Resources
E-books and checklists were created and promoted via PPC.
Tailored localization for different demographic and professional needs
While doing keyword research in the target languages, i realized that different professions had varying needs depending on their location. For example, in Germany, academics and students looking to do qualitative research and focus groups were the largest audiences that needed transcription services. Meanwhile, in Italy, lawyers seeking legal documentation and transcription services were a priority.
To address this, i created new informational content and localized the existing articles to tailor them to the needs of each audience, with additional or expanded sections in the translations. This approach resulted in a more than 300% increase in guideline-sourced signups on the website in just 6 months.
Some focused keyword examples with ranking changes in Germany (Keyword Manager) Replacing link building with a holistic approach to all marketing channels I realized that providing comprehensive guidelines on third-party tools such as iMovie, Adobe Premiere and DaVinci Resolve was a great way to help customer audiences with their pain points, because every person who needs a subtitle has the initial video they need to edit.
However, i noticed that the highlights and pain points varied between different countries. For example, DACH TV channels would often stream movies with dubbing, while BENELUX countries preferred subtitles.

I localized their content to cater to the different needs of each country.
Organic Growth Achievements
Signup Boost
From the blog.
Share of Voice
In focus regions.
User Growth
Amberscript’s global marketing leads growth in 2022-2023
SEO Campaign Recommendations


Disavow Links
Remove irrelevant links from non-target regions.


Localize Content
Adjust content to regional needs based on keyword research.


Downloadable Content
Create and promote valuable content to naturally build links.
Global Marketing Leads
The Amberscript organic growth I matched their marketing goals with their worldwide referral distribution, understanding different audience needs across different regions, creating guidelines for third-party tools, and promoting new focused content through various marketing channels. In just 9 months, achieved:
Blog Impact
Blog-driven signup growth hit 300%.
Referral Growth
Share of Voice doubled in target markets.
Total User Increase
Users and leads grew by 120% YoY.
Other Client Projects Overview
  • Client: Eco-Friendly Home Goods (2022)
    Objective: Increase organic traffic and improve brand visibility for eco-friendly product keywords.
    Strategy Overview: Implemented comprehensive keyword research, optimized on-page content, and developed a targeted backlink strategy.
    Results: Achieved a 150% increase in organic traffic and a 75% growth in revenue.
  • Client: Tech Startup (2023)
    Objective: Enhance domain authority and boost lead generation through SEO-optimized content.
    Strategy Overview: Focused on content marketing, technical SEO improvements, and building high-quality backlinks.
    Results: Domain authority increased by 45%, with a significant boost in monthly leads.
  • Client: Health & Wellness Blog (2023)
    Objective: Expand audience reach and engagement on wellness topics.
    Strategy Overview: Optimized website structure, enhanced content quality, and utilized social media for increased exposure.
    Results: Doubled blog traffic and social media referrals, with top rankings for key health queries.
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